Friday, June 22, 2007

Hollywood Nobodies in the Music Business

I was chopping it up with B. Brown of Bar Red Entertainment and On Stage Live Revue on a Thursday evening about the music business, I asked him what was going on that night. He reminded me that Rovella Williams was having an official launch party for her Almost Famous Magazine at Taboo 2.

I arrived at the club a bit tired, but threw on my game face to ensure my time would be well invested. The music business can be a tricky game of Hollywood Nobodies, trying to be somebody when they should just be themselves. Keep reading an I’ll explain.

After standing in the parking lot for a few minutes, I started greeting people waiting to get into the club. Having the opportunity to share a positive word I went on video to congratulate Rovella for being consistent with the Almost Famous Showcase and the launch of the Almost Famous Magazine in addition to reminding viewers the Music Industry Connection Book Series has an extensive list of contacts, resources and information to help build their music business.

Kim Ellis of KE Consulting was working the door, I asked her what was the price to get in I think she said $10 or $20, I can’t remember. Any who I proceeded to pay her and she looked almost surprise, that I was willing to pay versus playing the “can I get in free card, because you know me.” I’m sure this happens in other markets, but I’m going to speak to the Atlanta Music Industry on this one.

Often times we assume we should get V.I.P treatment and be let into every event we attend, because we have achieved some level of celebrity status in the local music market. This is part of the “Hollywood Nobodies” thought process. This is a cancer that plagues people thinking, hoping, wishing and dreaming that they are all that and in reality they should be working to truly achieve that status. The “Hollywood Nobodies” should remain humble so they may receive more gifts from the Creator. The truth is unless your name draws people to a particular event you should not expect to get into an event for free unless you have rsvp’d.

Ok, so I finally go inside the club and gradually walk around. As I meet and greet familiar faces I give them a business card and inform them there’s a new social networking website where they can upload their photos, website or blog address, talk about their music business and promote their entertainment related event. They can do all this and more I tell them at

A number of people greeted me and began talking as though we talk all the time. This is funny on one instance and quite scary on the other. It’s funny because I’m actively involve in the conversation, but in the back of my mind I’m thinking who the hell is this and where in the good Lord’s name do I knew them from? All the while the person is truly engaged in the conversation, which makes it a bit scary, because from the outside listening in you would think I talk with these good music business professionals on a regular basis.

Talking with Tariq who co-manages Willie Joe with Fort Knox I told him how it was that people would talk to me as though we’d known each other for a long time or talk on a regular basis. Tariq says yeah, JaWar everyone knows me. I laughed and said that was funny, because rarely will you see my pictures on anything (I’m extremely camera shy), nor do I seek that kind of limelight. I’m more concerned with helping others achieve their goals realize their potential, while maintaining an excellent standard of living. Tariq said, yeah, but JaWar, your presence is known when you’re in a venue or at an event. He said you engage people the way most people don’t. You actually have conversations with people and that makes you memorable.

So many people in the music business who aren't artist go out of their way to become famous. They want to be in every picture, every video show and be given V.I.P treatment to every event. They want to be seen. Willie Hunter often says fame for fortune and to help people is ok, but fame for the sake of fame is a drug. Hollywood Nobodies continue to plague the music business.

It’s up to each of us to remain humble, keeping our eyes on the prize and remember in the grand scheme of things, we are all only here in this form for a very short time period. We should make the most of our time on earth, help, as many people as we can, stay happy, healthy and wealthy and enjoy life. The music business is just that a business, don’t be a Hollywood Nobody, be somebody by letting your work and reputation proceed you. If it is fame you seek that to shall come and past as well.


  1. What about that OLD music guy that hasn't done any deals in years and he shows up to tell you how he can help you.

    Unfortunately i have run into way to many of these people (men & women)normally ex-promotion people for the majors. They learned how to "pimp" radio people for airplay and believe that they can do the same thing now.

    I got a slew of Hollywod Nobodies that i can call by profession.

  2. Wow!!! A blog inspired by the Almost Famous Magazine Launch Party. We missed you at the 3 year anniversary of Almost Famous but appreciated the note. Hope to see you soon. Take care!!!



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